• The same code can be executed multiple times.

  • Also, we can iterate lists, strings, etc using the loop.

  • Space(“ ”) is also considered at the time of iterating in python.
    Ex: “ ABCD”. Length is 5.

Python has 2 types of loops: 

  1. while 

  2. for 

1. While
       In python, while loop is used to execute the same code repeatedly until a given condition is satisfied. Once the condition becomes false, the next line immediately after the loop in program is executed.


   while  <condition>:




example : 

pickupnum = 5

guess = 0

while guess != pickupnum:

    guess = int(input("Guess the number: "))


    if guess != correctNumber:

        print('False guess')

print('You guessed the correct number')

#while with else


   while condition:

     #execute these statements


     #execute these statements

2. For

  when you have a block of code which you want to repeat a fixed number of times. In Python, there is no C style for loop. i.t condition type for loop


    for itr_var in sequence:



for i in range(0,5):


Iterate list

list = ["Mahesh","Ganesh","Rajesh","Jayesh"]

for name in list:


Iterate string

str = "Mahesh"

for char in str:


what if you need index?

range function

for i in range(len(list)):


enumerate function

for i,name in enumerate(list):


Example Addition of list

list = [11,34,22,33,44,55,66,88]

sum = 0

for num in list:

   sum += num

print(sum) #check pythontutor.com

Nested loop

for i in range(1,5):

    for j in range(1,6):

       print(j,i,end = '   ')



for i in range(1,6):

    for j in range(1,6):

        print(i,j,end = '   ')


Categories: Python Tags: #Python,
