Function  Function vs Module vs Library:

1. A group of lines with some name is called a function
2. A group of functions saved to a file , is called Module
3. A group of Modules is nothing but Library

Types of Variable

   1.Global Variable

   2.Local Variable

1.Global Variable:

  • A variable declared outside the function is called global variable.

  • It is available to all functions available in module

2. Local variable

  • A variable declared inside the function is called a local variable.

  • It is available only in the function not outside the function

glo_var = 10 #global Variable

def fun():

    loc_var = 20 #local Variable




#print(loc_var) #name 'loc_var' is not defined


Global Keyword

  • To declare global variable inside the function

  • To access global variable inside the function (Loc and Glo variable name are same)



def fun1():

    global glo_variable

    glo_variable = 40




def fun2():






#print(glo_variable)#global variable available to other function but in module



a = 22

def fun3():

   a = 44






Recursive Functions

  • A function call itself is called recursive function


 #print list item without  loop

def print_num(items):

    if len(items) > 0:







Anonymous OR Lambda  Functions:

  • A function without a name is called an Anonymous function.

  • We can define Anonymous OR Lambda function using lambda keyword

  • By using this function we can able to write concise code so code readability is improved


  lambda argument_list : expression



WAP to get full-name of user

 full_name = lambda first_Name,last_Name : first_Name + ' ' + last_Name


#WAP to find large number from two number

large_Num = lambda num1,num2 : num1 if num1 > num2 else num2



filter(), map() and reduce()


  • Used to filter a sequence based on condition.

  • filter(function,sequence)


WAP to find even num from list

Without lambda

def isEven(num1):

    if num1%2 == 0:

       return True


       return False


lists  = [44,12,77,66,89,97]



With lambda

print(list(filter(lambda x:x%2==0,lists)))



  • used to perform same operation on every element that time we use map.

  • we can used two list at a time but list length must be same

  • map(fun,seq)

WAP to get square of every item


without lambda

def square(num):

      return num * num




with lambda

print(list(map(lambda n:n*n,lists)))



  • used to reduce a sequence of elements into single elements.

  • reduce() function present in the functools module and hence we should write an import statement.


  with lambda

from functools import *

print(reduce(lambda m,n:m*n,lists))

Function Aliasing:

  • For existing function we can given another name is called function aliasing


def sum(num1,num2):

    return num1 + num2


sum2 = sum





Nested Function

  •  we are able to declare another function within the function


def fun1():


    def func2():





Categories: Python Tags: #Python,
