SQL Statements/Commands

  • Used to communicate with database to perform specific tasks.

  • There are four types of Statements/Commands

  1. DDL(Data Definition Language) 

  • Used for creating, modifying and dropping the structure of database objects.

  • Create,Alter,Drop,Rename and Truncate

  1. DML (Data Manipulation Language)

  • Used for storing,retrieving,modifying and deleting data.

  • Commands are select,insert,update and delete

  1. DCL (Data Control Language)

  • Used for providing security to database objects.

  • Commands are grant and revoke

  1. TCL(Transaction Control Language)

  • Used for managing changes that affect the data.

  • Commands are commit,rollback and savepoint.


  • Database is nothing but a collection of objects.

  • Objects are table,view,stored procedure,function,trigger etc.

  • Types of Databases

  1. System Database

  • System Databases are created automatically when we install MS SQL Server.

  • Master,model,MSDB,Tempdb

  1. User Databases

  • User databases are created by users (Administrators,Tester,developer)

  • Create Database

    Create database Your_Database_Name


Create database person

When we create a database there are 2 files are created 

  • .MDF file - Data file (Contains actual data)

  • .LDF file - Transaction log file (used to recover database)

-  Modify name of the database

Alter database databasename modify name = newdatabasename


Alter database person modify name = persondb

- To Delete or Drop Database


Drop database dbname

Drop database persondb

Note: System Databases can’t be dropped

Categories: SQL Server Tags: #SQL Server,
