Like Operator in SQL Server

  •  By using the Like operator we are able to find out specific patterns in a column.

  •  We use mostly it with Where clause

  • To search pattern, Like operator use wildcard characters

Wildcard characters






Represents zero or more characters

ch% result are Chain,Chair,Champ etc


Represents single characters

c_t result are cat,cut,cot


Represents any single characters within the brackets

c[au]t result are cat,cut but not include cot


Represents any characters not in the brackets

c[^au]t not included cat,cut but include cot


Represents any single characters within the specified range

c[a-b]t result are cat,cbt but not include cot

insert into employee1 values(13,'Ratan','Pingali','Akola','Admin',23000)

insert into employee1 values(14,'Ramesh','Pilania','Akola','IT',50000)

insert into employee1 values(15,'Sunil','Pasalkar','Akola','HR',34000)



% - Represents zero or more characters

select * from employee1 where LastName like '%'

select * from employee1 where LastName like 'p%'

select * from employee1 where LastName like 'pa%'

select * from employee1 where LastName like 'shar%'

select * from employee1 where LastName like '%r'


_(underscore) -  represents single character

select * from employee1 where LastName like 's_a'

select * from employee1 where LastName like 's____a'

select * from employee1 where LastName like 'p___l'

select * from employee1 where LastName like 'p_t_l'


[] - Represents any single characters within the brackets

select * from employee1 where LastName like '[PS]'

After instert the data it will show

insert into employee1 values(16,'S','P','Akola','HR',40000)


delete from employee1 where EID = 16


select * from employee1 where LastName  like '[PS]%'


^ Represents any characters not in the brackets


select * from employee1 where LastName  like '[^PS]%'


- Represents any single characters within the specified range

select * from employee1 where LastName  like 'p'


select * from employee1 where LastName  like '[a-o]%'



Not LIKE Operator

select * from employee1 where LastName  not like 'p'


select * from employee1 where LastName  not like '[a-o]%'


select * from employee1 where LastName   like '[^a-o]%'



Some Practical Example

-Display the name whose third leter starts with r

select*from employee1 where FirstName like'__r%'


-Display the name which starts with s and ends with A

select * from employee1 where FirstName like's%a'

Categories: SQL Server Tags: #SQL Server,
