Operator   - Operators are used to perform operations on two or more operands.


       2 + 3  = 5 Here 2 and 3 are operands and + is the operator. So + operator perform addition operation on 2 and 3 operands 

  1. Arithmetic Operator: “Perform math operation”
    +,-,/(Division Float),*,%,//(Division Floor),**(Power)

a = 43

b = 5

addition = a + b

subtraction = a - b

multiplication = a * b

division_float = a / b

remainder = a % b

division_floor = a // b

power = a**b

print("addition =",addition)

print("substraction =",substraction)

print("multiplication =",multiplication)

print("division_float =",division_float)

print("remainder =",remainder)

print("division_floor =",division_floor)

print("power =",power)

  1. Relational Operators: “compares the values. It either returns True or False according to the condition.”
    a  = True
    b  = False
    print(a > b)

print(a < b)

print(a == b)

print(a != b)

print(a >= b)

print(a <= b) 

  1. Logical Operator-  “perform logical operation”
    and,or,not   (Draw Truth table for each)

c = True

d = False

print(c and d)

print(c or d)
print(not c)

Few Condition which are false:

  1. False

  2. not ‘ ’ #not with space in string return false otherwise return true.  not ‘ ’ or not “ ”

  3. None #just like null in other programming languages

  1. Membership Operator-  “Used to check the given value is present in sequence or not.”

 in and not in

c = [1,3,6,8,9]

print("1 in c =",1 in c)

print("1 not in c =",1 not in c)

#print("a in b = ",a in b)

d = {1,7,"virat"}

print("'virat' in d =",'virat' in d)

print("'Virat' not in d =",'Virat' not in d)

d = "Virat Kholi"

print("'rat' in d =",'rat' in d)

print("'rat' not in d =",'rat' not in d)

  1. Identity operator - “used to check if both values are located to same memory location or not”

is , is not

c = 1

d = 1

print("c is d =",c is d)

print("1 is 1 =",1 is 1)

print("1 is not 1 =",1 is not 1)

a = ["aaa",11]

b = ["aaa",11]

c = a

print("a is b =",a is b)

print("a is c =",a is c)

  1. Bitwise operation - “Work on binary of decimal values”
      & (AND),|(OR),^(EX-OR),~(Negation),<<(LEFT Shift),>>(RIGHT SHIFT)

      2^7         2^6       2^5           2^4       2^3        2^2         2^1      2^0

  128          64         32           16           8           4             2         1/0

print(10 & 7) #ans is 2  Check with  AND truth table
print(5 & 3) #ans is 1                   IN1  IN2  ANDOut    OROut  XOR   Not(sgl I/P)
                                                        0     0       0               0           0          1
                                                        0     1       0               1           1          0

                                                        1     0       0               1           1          0
                                                        1     1       1               1           0          1


10 = 1010       5   0101  

  7 = 0111        3   0011
----------------     ------------
2  = 0010        1  0001

print(5 | 3) #ans is 7

10 = 1010       5   0101  

  7 = 0111        3   0011
----------------     ------------
15  = 1111      7  0111

print(5 ^ 3) #ans is 6

10 = 1010       5   0101  

  7 = 0111        3   0011
----------------     ------------
13  = 1101      6  0110

~ Negation (It will perform two's component(means i)) required only one input
  print(~1) #ans is -2
        8421                                 8421
1 =    0001        5   0101    15   1111      23 

               1                   1                 1
----------------     ------------   -------------
-2 =   0010        -6  0110         10000






     6           2

   0110 >> 0001     1

   0110 << 01 1000  24


   30               >>  3  

   0001 1110   >>  0 0011  3

   0001 1110   <<   000 1111 0


   25                >>  5  

   0001 1001   >>  0000  0

   0001 1001   <<  0 0011 0010 0000  800


  1. Assignment Operator:  “used to assign values to the variables

Bitwise &  VS Logical and

#        X    Y

print(30 and 3). #logical check with Few Condition which are false consider x is true then print y if x is false print x

print(False and 3)

print(0 and 3)

print(None and 3)

print(not ' ' and 3)

print(30 or 3)#logicalcheck with Few Condition which are false consider x is true then print x if x is false print y

print(False or 3)

print(0 or 3)

print(None or 3)

print(not ' ' or 3)




1.What is similarity and difference between Logical(and) and Bitwise(&)
    - Similarity- Both are used on the same Truth Table.
    - Difference -  Logical(and) not used

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