
               Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform,no matter what the program,no matter what the language.

In Python 2, two types are used to represent strings. 

  1. str - was a “byte string” type; it represented a sequence of bytes in some particular text encoding, and defaulted to ASCII. 

                     stringtype = 'This is string.'

  1. Unicode -  Unicode string type.

                    unicodetype = u'This is unicode string'

In Python 3, there is one and only one string type. 

  1.  str - It is used as a string and unicode.

>>> s = '\u0026' #simple string

>>> s

>>> s = u'\u0026’  #unicode
>>> s


But in python3 we don’t need to write ‘u’ before the string

>>> s = '\u0026'

>>> s


Check with emoji (not supported in py2)


>>> x = u"i ♥ python"

>>> x

u'i \u2665 python'

>>> x = 'i \u2665 python'

>>> x

'i \\u2665 python'


>>> x = 'i ♥ python'

>>> x

'i ♥ python'

>>> x = 'i \u2665 python'

>>> x

'i ♥ python'

Unicode in variable and function names.

# python 3: create one file and write below code and run it from terminal

def Ω(n):

    return n + 1

ã = 4


Program Control Structure:
  1. Selective/Conditional:
        - if<condition>
        - if<cond>...elif<cond>..else
        - if<cond>...elif<cond>..elif<cond>..else

  2. Iterative
        - for
        - while 

  3. Transfer
       - break
      - continue
      - pass

Before start with control flow statement we need to learn about 


By default 4 spaces indentation is present(We are doing programing from the terminal that’s why we need to manually add indentation).If you want to change it we can.

>>> if 5 > 4:

...     print("dd")


>>> if 5 > 4:

... print("ss")

  File "<stdin>", line 2



IndentationError: expected an indented block

Categories: Python Tags: #Python,
